Building Renovation Information
Below are descriptions of building renovations and changes that would occur at each Shaker School should the bond issue and levy pass in the November 2023 election.
Ludlow (under construction 2024-2025)
GDP Group has been engaged to design necessary renovations to turn Ludlow into the district’s pre-k center
Plans call for district administrative leadership to relocate to the second floor of Ludlow, based on the assumption that the space currently occupied by the administration building will be utilized during the proposed Woodbury renovation and expansion
The Ludlow building will open in Fall 2025
Woodbury (under construction 2025-2027)
An architect and design team will be hired by mid-2024
Renovation and construction will start by Fall 2025
Woodbury will include a competition-sized pool serving grades 6-12 and the public community
The project will take two years to complete
The building will be open to grades 6-8 as the district’s middle years building in the fall of 2027
Elementary Schools (under construction 2027-2031)
Boulevard, Lomond, Mercer, and Onaway will go under construction in two parts.
The current middle school (formerly Byron) will be used as a swing space during renovations and construction through spring 2031
Two schools will undergo renovations and construction from 2027-2029
The other two schools will undergo renovations and construction from 2029-2031
Renovations at each building will include:
ADA upgrades
Air conditioning
Improved air handling and filtration
Upgraded electrical supply and more electrical outlets to support needed technology improvements
Improved lighting with sensors and classroom control
Security vestibules and other security enhancements
Flexible furniture to support collaborative work by students
Additional collaborative spaces where possible
Design lab space
Other enhancements
The order in which our elementary schools will be renovated is TBD.
Fernway (construction timeline TBD)
Construction of two additional classrooms to accommodate the addition of grade 5 to the building
High School (Phase 2)
Shaker Heights High School will not be significantly impacted by Phase 1 of the facilities plan, though it will need to continue to be maintained as plans are developed. Plans are underway for security upgrades.
Other Changes
Funding is included to demolish the current middle school building. However, the district will stay in conversation with the city and the community if another use for all or part of the building is identified.
Deconstruction would occur after spring of 2031.​